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Daniel F. Stone

Affiliation: Economics
Associate Professor of Economics, Chair of the Economics Department

I've been teaching in the Economics department at Bowdoin since 2012 and prior to that I was assistant professor at Oregon State University from 2008-2012. My courses here are on microeconomics, behavioral economics, information and uncertainty, and game theory. Besides the standard material I generally try to stress two relatively non-standard lessons: 1) be Bayesian; 2) internalize your externalities. My research is on belief formation, political media, polarization, and inter-personal hostility (a.k.a. affective polarization). I'm optimistic about this being typically due to misunderstanding (and therefore being usually resolvable), based on both personal experience and my research. I served with Americorps and worked for Novantas (consulting) between college and grad school, and am originally from Charlottesville, VA (and miss the old UVA pep band). 

I've written a (non-technical) book (Amazon link) on the behavioral economics of affective polarization. There's an open-access e-version and any $ I receive from sales of hard copies will be donated to anti-polarization organizations. Interviews on the book here, here, here, here, and here. My recommendations for related books on polarization in the US here.

Please check out my research-service website Media Trades ( More info here. Don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions about using it.

on twitter/x (mostly inactive) @d_f_stone and BlueSky @dfstone

Curriculum Vitae 

Personal website

Daniel F. Stone Headshot


  • PhD, Economics, Johns Hopkins University, 2008
  • MA, Economics, Johns Hopkins University, 2006
  • BS, Applied Mathematics, Yale University, 2001